Ballot Initiatives
At the March 1908 general election, the voters of Seattle passed City Charter Amendment No. 21 "Amending Section 1 of Article IV providing for a municipal system of direct legislation by the initiative and referendum." The amendment carried by a vote of 11,493 - 6,063.
Direct legislation by initiative provides citizens with a mechanism to propose legislation and secure a place for it on the ballot. A citizen may write a piece of direct legislation, in the standard form of a municipal ordinance, attach it to a petition sheet, and file it with the City Clerk. The City Attorney's Office has the responsibility of reviewing the citizen initiative and preparing an ordinance title. If the petition meets certain criteria such as the correct form of an ordinance and correct formatting of appearance, then the petitioners can begin seeking signatures.
In order to qualify the petition for the ballot, petitioners must gather enough valid signatures to equal or exceed ten percent of the votes cast in the previous election for mayor. King County Records and Elections is responsible for verifying valid signatures.
Article IV, Section 1B of the City Charter establishes a time frame in which petitioners must gather signatures. Prior to November, 1973 there was no stipulation on the amount of time allotted for signature gathering. Detailed procedures for the initiative process can be found in the Citizens Initiative Petition Guide on the City Clerk's website.
Explanatory Key to Initiative List
The following is a list of initiatives that have been filed with the City Clerk since 1910. It is possible that other petitions were drafted but never filed and thus would never have made it to the ballot. The information in this list includes:
Initiative Number. Since 1974, initiatives have been given consecutive numbers as they are filed. Prior to that any numbering associated with the initiative was devised only for the specific ballot on which it appeared. Where a number was not assigned, the heading simply reads "Initiative." Following this heading is a brief summary of the initiative. This summary may be derived from the ordinance title as written by the petitioner or by the City Attorney, or it may be in the form of a question, as it appears on the election ballot.
Date Filed. This is the date that the initiative was first filed with the City Clerk.
Disposition. This relates to the fate of the initiative. Where an initiative reached the ballot, the date of the election and the vote count is given. Other possible results are that petitioners can withdraw initiatives, the total signature count can be insufficient to send it to the ballot, City Council can choose to enact the initiative without sending it to the ballot, and City Council can choose to send the initiative and an alternative of its creation to the ballot.
Clerk File Number. This is the file number assigned by the City Clerk at the time of the initial filing. These files can be researched using the Clerk File Database, and are available for viewing in the Seattle Municipal Archives.
Note. In a few cases there are special explanatory notes associated with the entry.
You can navigate this list by using the scroll bar or using the following links to jump to a specific time period.
Historic Ballot Initiatives
1910-1939 Ballot Initiatives
Providing for the taking and damaging of land and other property necessary for park purposes, and the ascertainment and payment of the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damaged for said purpose.
Date Filed: January 15, 1910
Disposition: Enacted by City Council on January 31, 1910.
Clerk File Number: 39087
Initiative (Proposition 7)
Issuance and sales of negotiable bonds of said city in the amount of Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($650,000) Dollars to provide money for the purchase, by condemnation, of certain lands in the City of Seattle for park purposes, and providing for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon.
Date Filed: January 15, 1910
Disposition: Defeated by voters at March 5, 1910 election, 9,060 - 9,793
Clerk File Number: 39088
Initiative (Proposition 2)
Regulating the installation, maintenance, use and operation of electrical wires, appliances and apparatus in, upon, along, over, across, or about buildings, streets, alleys, and public places in the City of Seattle, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.
Date Filed: January 22, 1910
Disposition: Passed by voters at March 7, 1911 election, 13,228 - 7,721
Clerk File Number: 39172
Note: Proposition 3 at the same election was an alternative measure prepared by City Officials covering the same subject. It also passed, but with fewer votes; thus, Proposition 2 was declared the prevailing Ordinance.
Submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Seattle, at a special elections to be held in said city on Tuesday, the 5th day of September, 1911, the proposition of the issuance and sale, by said city, of its negotiable bonds in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000), for the purpose of acquiring, by purchase or condemnation, a site for the construction thereon of a museum of arts and sciences, and for clearing, grading and preparing said site for the erection thereon of a building to be known as Seattle Museum of Arts and Sciences; and providing for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds.
Date Filed: February 11, 1911
Disposition: Defeated by voters at September 5, 1911 election, 2,004 - 12,099.
Clerk File Number: 42229 and 42962
Initiative (Propositions C, D, E)
Concerns extension of Pike Place Public Market and for the submission to the electors of a bond issue for $150,000, to provide money for making such extension.
Date Filed: December 31, 1912
Disposition: Three alternative propositions placed on the March 4, 1913 election ballot. Voters defeated all three propositions by the following votes:
Proposition C: 6,756 - 23,131
Proposition D: 5,939 - 23,648
Proposition E: 5,840 - 22,779
Clerk File Number: 50412
Relating to, and regulating, the operation of certain kinds of "For Hire" motor vehicles, prescribing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance. Shall initiative bill (Comptroller's File No. 78031) relating to the operation of jitneys be approved?
Date Filed: June 25, 1920
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 2, 1920 election, 24,916 - 41,364.
Clerk File Number: 78031
Initiative (Proposition A)
Relating to the Municipal Street Railway System of the City of Seattle, and declaring the fiscal policy of the City in relation thereto. Whereas, it is to the public interest that the City of Seattle declare and establish a fiscal policy in relation to the Municipal Street Railway System whereby the cost and expense thereof shall be borne, as nearly as may be, by all who benefit thereby.
Date Filed: September 2, 1921
Disposition: Defeated by voters at the May 2, 1922 election, 15,043 - 40,275
Clerk File Number: 82285
Relating to and regulating the keeping of dogs and cats in the City of Seattle, providing for the collection and disposal of all dead dogs and cats, providing for the appointment and employment of the King County Humane Society, a corporation, as pound master and amending Ordinance No. 38751, approved September 18, 1918.
Date Filed: February 2, 1922
Disposition: Passed by voters at the May 2, 1922 election, 28,826 - 19,125.
Clerk File Number: 83908
Relating to, and increasing, the salary rates of certain civil service employees of the Police and Fire departments of the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: August 26, 1924
Disposition: Passed by voters at the November 4, 1924 election, 38,471 - 30,955.
Clerk File Number: 96215
Note: The increase was established at $25 per month.
Relating to the Fire Department; providing for an eight-hour day for the members in Class D therein; and repealing Ordinance 30039 and all other ordinances in conflict herewith.
Date Filed: November 22, 1937
Disposition: Defeated by voters at the March 8, 1938 election, 31,599 - 66,050.
Clerk File Number: 157188
Relating to, and increasing the salary rates of certain civil service employees of the Police and Fire departments of the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: December 10, 1941
Disposition: Passed by voters at the March 10, 1942 election, 52,187 - 34,497
Clerk File Number: 172166
Note: The increase was established at $20 per month.
Relating to, and increasing the salary rates of certain civil service employees of the Police and Fire departments of the City of Seattle. by $30 per month.
Date Filed: December 28, 1943
Disposition: Defeated by voters at the March 14, 1944 election, 34,853 - 36,923
Clerk File Number: 179490
Note: The increase would have been $30 per month.
Providing for a forty-eight hour week for members of the uniformed force of the Seattle Fire Department.
Date Filed: January 8, 1946
Disposition: Passed by voters at the March 12, 1946 election, 56,725 - 40,726
Clerk File Number: 187247
Shall it be made easier for the Seattle family to purchase meat from Meat Shops or Super Markets after Normal Daily Business hours between 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Monday through Saturday as long as current health standards are maintained?
Date Filed: Petition was not officially filed with City Clerk.
Petition Date: c. 1956
Disposition: Unknown
Clerk File Number: No file number. See Initiatives 1802-B8 in Seattle Municipal Archives; Box 3, Folder 9.
Shall the City of Seattle issue $8,500,000.00 of general obligation bonds for the purpose of acquiring a civic center site within the area bounded generally by 7th Avenue, Madison Street, Boren Avenue and Alder Street, constructing and equipping a convention and concert hall thereon, acquiring additional land adjacent to the Civic Auditorium and converting the Civic Auditorium into a sports and exposition center?
Date Filed: January 20, 1956
Disposition: Passed by voters at the November 6, 1956 election, 137,053 - 63,752
Clerk File Number: 228545
Shall a source of fluoridation, approved by the Washington State Department of Health, be added to the Seattle water supply by the Water Department under the supervision of the Director of Public Health of Seattle?
Date Filed: August 15, 1962
Disposition: Defeated by voters at the March 12, 1963 election, 43,747 - 58,593
Clerk File Number: 246109
Shall a source of fluoridation, approved by the Washington State Department of Health, be added to the Seattle water supply by the Water Department under the supervision of the Director of Public Health of Seattle?
Date Filed: April 8, 1968
Disposition: Insufficient signatures filed
Clerk File Number: 260560
1970-1974 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 1
Shall the City of Seattle preserve, improve, and restore the Pike Place Market by creating a Pike Place Market Historical District and providing for administration and enforcement?
Date Filed: April 29, 1971 and June 14, 1971
Disposition: Passed by voters at the November 2, 1971 election, 76,369 - 53,264
Clerk File Number: 269651 and 270105
Relating to the public parks; prohibiting the construction of an aquarium in Golden Gardens Park.
Date Filed: October 18, 1971
Disposition: Passed by City Council on December 27, 1971.
Clerk File Number: 271203
Initiative 1
Mandate to operate a predominantly electric-powered transit system without pollution.
Date Filed: June 19, 1972
Disposition: Defeated by voters at September 19, 1972 election, 32,049 - 78,951
Clerk File Number: 273141
Initiative 1
Shall the City of Seattle, to protect the health, safety, property and welfare of its citizens, enact an ordinance to eliminate billboards and other unnecessary off-premise signs as an intrusion on the right to privacy, a blight on an otherwise pleasant urban environment, an inhibition to tourism, a threat to traffic safety, and a reduction of property values, thus constituting a nuisance to be prohibited?
Date Filed: July 13, 1973
Disposition: Defeated by voters at the November 6, 1973 election, 67,548 - 107,990
Clerk File Number: 276317
Initiative 2
Initiative petition for the repeal of Seattle Ordinance number 96931, which provided for fluoridation of the municipal water supply, and for authorizing and directing the city to discontinue fluoridation, and for requiring the city to dismantle and dispose of all fluoride dosing equipment and facilities.
Date Filed: June 29, 1973
Disposition: Defeated by voters at the November 6, 1973 election, 53,999 - 122,779
Clerk File Number: 276205
Initiative petition authorizing and directing the City of Seattle to make fluorides available, without cost, in suitable form for individual dosage, to Seattle residents requesting same.
Date Filed: June 29, 1973
Disposition: Insufficient signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 276206
Initiative 1
Regarding the sale, use and distribution of marijuana in the City of Seattle.
Dated Filed: August 6, 1973
Disposition: Defeated by voters at the March 26, 1974 election, 25,781 - 57,200
Clerk File Number: 276535
Initiative 1
Shall the proceeds of the 1968 Forward Thrust Bond Issue for improvements to the Seattle Zoo be restricted to the area west of Aurora Avenue North?
Dated Filed: June 10, 1974
Disposition: Passed by voters at November 5, 1974 general election, 81,621 - 72,120
Clerk File Number: 279284
Substitute measure to Initiative 1.
Woodland Park Zoo master plan, phase I. Placed on ballot by City Council.
Date Filed: N/A
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 5, 1974, general election, 60,770 - 88,166
Clerk File Number: Not filed with City Clerk.
Initiative 2
Initiative to protect and preserve public rights and access to the arboretum in Washington Park.
Date Filed: June 19, 1974
Disposition: Enacted by City Council August 12, 1974
Clerk File Number: 279340
Initiative 3
Sand Point for multiple use. Save the taxpayers' multi-million dollar investment, preserve aviation, and create a park.
Date Filed: July 31, 1974
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 5, 1974 general election, 68,077 - 89,108
Clerk File Number: 279658
1975-1979 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 4
Shall excess property at Fort Lawton be developed into an 18 hole municipal golf course?
Date Filed: March 3, 1975
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 4, 1975 general election, 56,319 - 107,942
Clerk File Number: 281123
Initiative 5
Repeal admission tax on rental or use of bowling alley equipment or facilities.
Date Filed: c. 1975. No record of initiative being filed with City Clerk.
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: No Clerk File.
Initiative 6
Reduction of city utility charges for qualified low income elderly persons.
Date Filed: c. 1975. No record of initiative being filed with City Clerk.
Disposition: No signatures filed
Clerk File Number: No Clerk File.
Initiative 7
Concerns the establishment of a returnable container system ; prohibiting the sale of non-returnable beverage containers in the city.
Date Filed: November 12, 1975
Disposition: Insufficient number of signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 282707
Initiative 8
Shall elected City officials be prohibited from becoming a candidate for another office until they have resigned their current office?
Date Filed: March 10, 1977
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 286829
Initiative 9
Concerns age qualifications for certain purposes, including signing initiative petitions, and providing for penalties.
Date Filed: March 15, 1977
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 286830
Initiative 10
Shall initiative Measure No. 10 expressing the City's intention to raise Ross Dam be approved?
Date Filed: June 28, 1977
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 286831
Initiative 11
This would delete the words 'sexual orientation' from all sections of Seattle's Fair Employment Practices ordinance.
Date Filed: January 16, 1978
Disposition: Rejected as to form.
Clerk File Number: 286832
Initiative 12
Should Seattle's Fair Employment Practices Ordinance be changed to remove its prohibition of employment discrimination based on sexual orientation?
Date Filed: January 19, 1978
Disposition: Petition withdrawn in favor of Initiative 13.
Clerk File Number: 286833
Initiative 13
Should Seattle's Fair Employment and Open Housing Ordinances be changed to remove their prohibitions against discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Date Filed: February 17, 1978
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 7, 1978 general election, 64225 - 108124
Clerk File Number: 286834
Initiative 14
Concerns reduction of Seattle city limits, which would amend the Seattle City Charter to redefine Seattle's boundaries to eliminate that area known as West Seattle.
Date Filed: April 14, 1978
Disposition: City Attorney opinion that issue is inappropriate for initiative petition.
Clerk File Number: 286835
Initiative 15
Concerns the use of firearms by Seattle Police Officers; modifies existing policy on Police discharge of firearms and regulates additional circumstances under which officers may discharge firearms.
Date Filed: June 6, 1978
Disposition: Passed by voters at November 7, 1978 general election, 96101 - 73937
Clerk File Number: 286836
Initiative 16
Provides for a low-cost spay and neuter clinic to control the population of dogs and cats; said clinic to be financed from licenses, clinic fees, and other sources.
Date Filed: July 27, 1978
Disposition: Passed by voters at November 7, 1978 general election, 95524 - 71938
Clerk File Number: 286837
Initiative 17
Should an Ordinance be passed establishing an unnatural practices commission, defining various behaviors as unnatural practices, and penalizing violations?
Date Filed: August 3, 1978
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 286838
Initiative 18
Should the City be prohibited from making expenditures for soliciting conventions, promoting tourism, and developing or expanding convention facilities?
Date Filed: January 9, 1979
Disposition: Withdrawn in favor of Initiative 19.
Clerk File Number: 287625
Initiative 19
Prohibiting lending City credit or resources for soliciting conventions, promoting tourism, and developing or expanding convention facilities.
Date Filed: January 15, 1979
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 6, 1979 general election, 63125 - 82075
Clerk File Number: 288209
Initiative 20
Repealing provisions of law providing for the use of public tax dollars to finance political election campaigns.
Date Filed: June 14, 1979
Disposition: Insufficient number of signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 288999
Initiative 21
Prohibiting additional Lake Washington Bridges for automobile traffic and using I-90 funds instead for safety improvements and public transportation.
Date Filed: July 18, 1979
Disposition: Court injunction removed it from ballot.
Clerk File Number: 289000
Initiative 22
Prohibiting NOAA's $94 million+ Sand Point development and construction of piers and buildings by denying water, sewer and electrical utilities.
Date Filed: August 28, 1979
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 289148
1980-1984 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 23
Regulating rent increases through a new board; and restrict certain evictions, condominium sales, and housing demolitions.
Date Filed: April 11, 1980
Disposition: Rejected as to form. Withdrawn by petitioner in favor of Initiative 24.
Clerk File Number: 289326
Initiative 24
Shall the City regulate residential rent increases through a new board and restrict certain evictions, condominium sales, and housing demolitions?
Date Filed: April 16, 1980
Disposition: Defeated by the voters at November 4, 1980 general election 80587 - 163140
Comptroller File Number: 289717
Initiative 25
Prohibiting the City of Seattle from installing and maintaining any parking meter on the public streets of Seattle and collecting a fee therefrom.
Date Filed: March 23, 1981
Disposition: Insufficient signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 290547
Initiative 26
Limiting the amount of individual contributions which may be made in support of, or opposition to ballot initiatives, amending Ordinance No. 106653.
Date Filed: September 21, 1981
Disposition: Signatures not filed.
Clerk File Number: 290917
Initiative 27
Should Seattle petition Congress to fund jobs in local basic services by reducing spending on nuclear weapons and military intervention?
Date Filed: December 30, 1981
Disposition: City Council adopted Initiative 27 as Ordinance 110766 on September 7, 1982 by an 8-0 vote. Council passes Resolution 26808, a memorial to the president and congress on the same day by an 8-0 vote.
Clerk File Number: 291200
Initiative 28
Should Seattle petition Congress to make more federal funds available to cities by eliminating expenditures for war in Central America?
Date Filed: May 9, 1983
Disposition: Passed by voters at Nov. 8, 1983 general election, 89452 - 76479
Clerk File Number: 292402
Initiative 29
Should Seattle enact an ordinance authorizing bingo parlors to sell pull-tabs and use net pull-tab tax revenue for human services?
Date Filed: May 1, 1984
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Comptroller File Number: 293186
1985-1989 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 30
Shall Seattle enact an ordinance rescinding "City of Refuge" Resolution 27402; dissolving the Citizens' Commission on Central America; and directing the Mayor, City Council and City Officials to cooperate in enforcement of immigration laws, among other matters?
Dated Filed: January 16, 1986
Disposition: Passed by voters at November 4, 1986 general election, 77325 - 64308
Clerk File Number: 294569
Initiative 31
Shall Seattle's Land Use Code be amended as it relates to downtown zoning to reduce permitted building height, reduce bulk by reducing development bonuses for public and development benefits, limit the development of new office space, with exceptions for small buildings, to 500,000 square feet per year through 1994 and to 1,000,000 square feet per year from 1994 through 1999, and require that a study regarding the future management of downtown growth be prepared?
Date Filed: May 4, 1988
Disposition: Passed by voters at the May 16, 1989 special election, 44826 - 27971
Clerk File Number: 296398
Initiative 32
Shall an ordinance be enacted by the City rescinding Resolution 27732 which authorized an agreement between the City and Ackerley Communications/Spectator Inc. for a new sports/entertainment arena and directing the City Attorney to defend and enforce the initiative?
Date Filed: May 25, 1988
Disposition: Signatures were not filed.
Clerk File Number: 296425
Initiative 33
Shall Seattle Municipal Code Section 12A.22.120 be repealed in order to allow the sale of pulltabs and punchboards within the Seattle city limits?
Date Filed: May 19, 1988
Disposition: Signatures were not filed.
Clerk File Number: 296436
Initiative 34
Shall the City: (1) Limit 1990 financial support to the Seattle School District to 1989 levels unless the District commits to basing school assignments on parental choice and preparing environmental impact statements before closing schools, and (2) dedicate 4% of sales tax revenues to schools with two-thirds or more minority enrollment and an additional 2% to improve high school programs, such funds to be expended only if the Districts commits as specified in (1) above?
Date Filed: June 15, 1989
Disposition: Passed by voters at November 7, 1989 general election, 71286 - 70159.
Clerk File Number: 297228
Initiative 35
Shall those portions of Ordinance 114648 that define "domestic partner" and that provide sick leave and funeral leave benefits for City employees with domestic partners that are equal to the benefits provided to married City employees be repealed?
Date Filed: October 2, 1989
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 6, 1990, general election, 67737 - 89328
Clerk File Number: 297397
Initiative 36
Shall City law be amended to provide economic incentives to encourage preservation of downtown historic theatres by allowing greater height and bulk than under the CAP initiative for projects receiving development rights transferred from historic theatres and exempting those projects from design competition for annual office space allocations; and by providing relief to owners of such theatres through refunds of admission and business and occupation taxes?
Date Filed: November 14, 1989
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 297451
1990-1994 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 37
Shall Seattle rescind Resolution 28176 (authorizing negotiations with Ackerley Communications for a sports and entertainment arena and parking facility) and refrain from similar ventures?
Date Filed: May 29, 1990
Disposition: Signatures not filed by deadline
Clerk File Number: 297827
Initiative 38
Shall Seattle Municipal Code Section 12A.20.050, known as the Drug-Traffic Loitering Ordinance, be repealed; and shall The City of Seattle abandon any similar efforts to restrict the movement and freedom of association of citizens?
Date Filed: January 22, 1991
Disposition: Defeated by voters at November 3, 1992, general election, 71609 - 187092
Clerk File Number: 298166
Initiative 39
Shall the City form a public development authority to build, maintain and operate an elevated mass transit system throughout the City of Seattle?
Date Filed: June 14, 1994
Disposition: Dropped by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 300126
1995-1999 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 40
Shall the City be required to keep the portion of Pine Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues closed to vehicular traffic and parking; be required to further integrate the Pine Street right-of-way into Westlake Park for pedestrian and park uses; and be required to conduct a study of downtown pedestrian needs in order to develop a long term downtown pedestrian plan?
Date Filed: January 5, 1995
Disposition: Dropped by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 300354
Initiative 41
Shall the City form a public development authority to build, maintain, and operate an elevated mass transit system throughout the City of Seattle to be funded by private money, federal, state, and local grants, and an increase in the business and Occupation Tax imposed by the City and/or Councilman Revenue Bonds?
Date Filed: April 15, 1996
Disposition: Rejected by City Council, 0-9. Passed by voters at the Nov. 4, 1997, general election, 95693 - 86369
Clerk File Number: 301208
Initiative 42
Shall The City of Seattle preserve for park and recreation purposes all lands and facilities held for such purposes unless: (1) an ordinance is enacted, following a public hearing, finding transfer of such property or a change in its use necessary; and (2) with certain exceptions, the subject property is replaced, at or before the time of transfer, by equivalent or better property in the vicinity, serving the same purposes and community (this replacement requirement applies retroactively)?
Date Filed: May 9, 1996
Disposition: Enacted by City Council, 9-0, on Jan. 27, 1997, as Ord. 118477.
Clerk File Number: 301226
Initiative 43
Shall the City of Seattle be prohibited from vacating any portion of Occidental Avenue South between South Massachusetts Street and South King Street for a baseball stadium or any other purpose during the next ten (ten) years?
Date Filed: March 3, 1997
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 301709
Initiative 44
Shall Seattle establish a Drug Investigation, Reparations and Treatment (DIRT) Commission authorized to: 1) investigate and report on allegations the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and others facilitated the importation of crack cocaine into Seattle; and 2) develop a plan to obtain from the federal government compensation for expenses and damages caused by any such actions - the members of the commission to be appointed by the mayor, approved by the city council, and compensated at $35 per hour?
Date Filed: April 3, 1997
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 301830
Initiative 45
To construct and improve 25 neighborhood libraries and a downtown library, shall Seattle be authorized to borrow up to $160 million in non-excess-tax bonds, allocating not more than $87 million for neighborhood libraries, $47 million for a downtown library (with limits on additional City funding), $19 million for computers and technology, $4 million for books and materials; and shall maintenance requirements, minimum operating hours, and future library appropriations be mandated, all to be separately funded?
Date Filed: March 13, 1998
Disposition: Enacted by City Council, 9-0, Aug. 9, 1999, as Ord. 119604.
Clerk File Number: 302515
Initiative 46
Shall Seattle Municipal Code Section 15.48, "Unlawful Postings of Signs", be amended to delete utility poles and lamp posts from the list of objects to which handbills, signs, and posters may not be attached?
Date Filed: February 18, 1999
Disposition: Insufficient number of signatures.
Clerk File Number: 302989
Initiative 47
Shall the City require that public transit light rail tracks and stations built within Seattle be constructed in underground tunnels with specified exceptions?
Date Filed: June 8, 1999
Disposition: Petition withdrawn and resubmitted as Initiative 48.
Clerk File Number: 303179
Initiative 48
Shall the City require that public transit light rail tracks and stations built within Seattle be constructed in underground tunnels, with specified exceptions such as monorails?
Date Filed: June 22, 1999
Disposition: Insufficient number of signatures.
Clerk File Number: 303356
Initiative 49
Shall Seattle establish and fund an elected Citizens' Law Enforcement Review Board to: investigate allegations of misconduct or unlawful activities by police department employees, call for and receive the dismissal of police department employees, create and amend certain police policies, recommend prosecution of police department employees, and establish and direct a special prosecutor's office to investigate and prosecute certain traffic infractions and misdemeanor crimes allegedly committed by police department employees?
Date Filed: August 9, 1999
Disposition: Petition withdrawn and resubmitted as Initiative 50.
Clerk File Number: 303417
Initiative 50
Shall Seattle establish and fund an elected Citizens' Law Enforcement Review Board to: investigate allegations of misconduct or unlawful activities by police department employees, call for and receive the dismissal of police department employees, create and amend certain police policies, recommend prosecution of police department employees, and establish and direct a special prosecutor's office to investigate and prosecute certain traffic infractions and misdemeanor crimes allegedly committed by police department employees?
Date Filed: August 15, 1999
Disposition: No signatures filed. Resubmitted as Initiative 51.
Clerk File Number: 303428
2000-2004 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 51
Shall Seattle establish and fund an elected Citizens' Police Review Commission to: investigate allegations of misconduct or unlawful activities by Seattle Police Department employees; hire and fire all police department personnel except the chief; suspend or terminate police department personnel; create and amend certain police policies; and establish and direct a special prosecutor's office to investigate and prosecute certain traffic infractions and misdemeanor crimes allegedly committed by police department employees?
Date Filed: March 10, 2000
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 303728
Initiative 52
Shall Seattle establish and fund an elected Citizens' Police Review commission to: investigate allegations of misconduct or unlawful activities by Seattle Police Department employees; hire and fire all police department personnel except the chief; suspend or terminate police department personnel; create and amend certain police policies; and establish and direct a Special Prosecutor' Office to investigate and prosecute certain traffic infractions and misdemeanor crimes allegedly committed by police department employees?
Date Filed: April 27, 2000
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 303791
Initiative 53
Concerns the planning, funding and possible construction of a monorail system. This measure would require the City to provide $6,000,000 to fund operation of the Elevated Transportation Company, including preparation of a monorail funding and construction plan. The measure outlines required elements of the plan, which would be implemented if approved by voters. The City also would be required to reserve up to $200 million in councilmanic bonding capacity, to be used for monorail construction if voters approved the plan. A transit authority would supervise system construction and operation. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Date Filed: July 17, 2000
Disposition: Passed by voters at the Nov. 7, 2000, general election, 148629 - 115101
Clerk File Number: 304012
Note: Seattle Citizen Petition No. 1 was submitted directly by voters to King County (not through the initiative process) and was placed on the November 2002 ballot. When passed, the measure created the Seattle Monorail Authority.
Initiative 54
Concerns celebrating "Freedom to Peaceably Assemble Day" each November 30. The measure would declare "Freedom to Peaceably Assemble Day." Pine Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues would be closed most of the day for a celebration at which groups could spread their messages and other activities could occur. The City would set up a dunk tank in which the Mayor would be required to sit. Other City officials could choose to be dunked. The City could request donations and sell merchandise to cover costs and benefit charity.
Date Filed: January 5, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner. Resubmitted as Initiative 55.
Clerk File Number: 304297
Initiative 55
Concerns celebrating "Freedom to Peaceably Assemble Day" each November 30. The measure would declare "Freedom to Peaceably Assemble Day." Pine Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues would be closed most of the day for a celebration at which groups could spread their messages and other activities could occur. The City would set up a dunk tank in which the Mayor would be required to sit. Other City officials could choose to be dunked. The City could request donations and sell merchandise to cover costs and benefit charity.
Date Filed: April 12, 2001
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 304460
Initiative 56
Concerns water conservation measures for the purpose of enhancing stream flows. The Initiative would require the City to implement certain voluntary water conservation measures by 2010, and to spend up to $2,000,000 annually to retrofit low-income residences for water conservation. To fund these conservation measures, a higher rate category would be required for additional water used by the highest 10% of Seattle residential and commercial water users. All additional water conserved by these measures would be directed toward enhancing flows in fish-bearing streams through 2020, with certain exceptions thereafter.
Date Filed: April 25, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304480
Initiative 57
Concerns water conservation measures for the purpose of enhancing stream flows. The Initiative would require the City to spend up to $2,000,000 annually to retrofit low-income residences for water conservation. To fund these conservation measures, a higher rate category would be required for additional water used by the highest 10% of Seattle residential and commercial water users. One-half of all water conserved after the Initiative's passage would be directed toward enhancing flows in fish-bearing streams, and, under certain circumstances, in-City growth or drought response.
Date Filed: April 25, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304481
Initiative 58
Concerns water conservation measures for the purpose of enhancing stream flows. The Initiative would require the City to implement certain voluntary water conservation measures by 2010 and spend up to $2,000,000 annually to retrofit low-income residences for water conservation. To fund these conservation measures, a higher rate category would be required for additional water used by the highest 10% of Seattle residential and commercial water users. All water conserved after the initiative's passage would be directed toward enhancing flows in fish-bearing streams, and, under certain circumstances, in-City growth or drought response.
Date Filed: April 25, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304482
Initiative 59
Concerns water conservation measures for the purpose of enhancing stream flows. The Initiative would require the City to implement certain voluntary water conservation measures by 2010, and to spend up to $2,000,000 annually to retrofit low-income residences for water conservation. To fund these conservation measures, a higher rate category would be required for additional water used by the highest 15% of Seattle residential and commercial water users. All additional water conserved by these measures would be directed toward enhancing flows in fish-bearing streams through 2020, with certain exceptions thereafter.
Date Filed: April 25, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304483
Initiative 60
Concerns prohibiting discrimination based on speech relating to redressing job grievances. This measure would amend the Seattle Fair Employment Practices Ordinance (SMC Chapter 14.04) to prohibit discrimination by employers, employment agencies, labor organizations and certain others based on individual speech relating to "redress of job grievances." The initiative defines such "redress" to include individual verbal or other activity to promote, change or protect terms and conditions of employment; to resolve disputes with the employer, the employer's agents or co-workers; or to further or preserve self-protection in relation to employment.
Date Filed: May 1, 2001
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 304505
Initiative 61
Concerns water conservation for the purpose of enhancing stream flows. The Initiative would require that the City implement certain voluntary water-conservation measures by 2010 and retrofit low-income residences for water conservation. To fund these measures, a higher rate category (to affect less than 10% of residential and 10% of commercial users) would be required for additional water used by those who consumed "extraordinary amounts of water." All additional water conserved by these measures would be directed toward enhancing flows in fish-bearing streams through 2020, with certain exceptions thereafter.
Date Filed: May 8, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304507
Initiative 62
Concerns water conservation measures for the purpose of enhancing stream flows. The Initiative would require that the City retrofit low-income residences for water conservation. To fund these measures, a higher rate category (to affect less than 10% of residential and 10% of commercial users) would be required for additional water used by those who consumed "extraordinary amounts of water." One-half of all water conserved after the Initiative's passage would be directed toward enhancing flows in fish-bearing streams, and, under certain circumstances, in-City growth or drought response.
Date Filed: May 8, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304508
Initiative 63
Concerns water conservation measures for the purpose of enhancing stream flows. The Initiative would require that the City implement certain voluntary water conservation measures by 2010 and retrofit low-income residences for water conservation. To fund these measures, a higher rate category (to affect less than 10% of residential and 10% of commercial users) would be required for additional water used by those who consumed "extraordinary amounts of water." All water conserved after the Initiative's passage would be directed toward enhancing flows in fish-bearing streams, with certain exceptions.
Date Filed: May 8, 2001
Disposition: Not sent to ballot per King County Superior Court order of Sept. 18, 2001.
Clerk File Number: 304509
Initiative 64
Concerns water conservation for the environment. This measure accelerates voluntary, cost effective water conservation and establishes a program to retrofit low-income housing for water conservation. It devotes a portion of water conserved to environmental protection and salmon recovery. The measure is funded by a water rate affecting only customers who use extraordinary amounts of water. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Date Filed: May 9, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304648
Initiative 65
Concerns the provision of 1,085 new, year-round shelter beds to homeless persons in the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: June 5, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304651
Initiative 66
Concerns the provision of 400 new, year-round shelter beds to homeless persons in the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: June 5, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304652
Initiative 67
Related to the provision of at least 1,085 new, year-round shelter beds, with a 20% increase of additional City funding of support services for the homeless of the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: June 5, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304653
Initiative 68
Related to the provision of at least 400 new, year-round shelter beds, with a 20% increase of support services for the homeless of the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: June 5, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304654
Initiative 69
Related to the provision of 1,085 new, year-round shelter beds to homeless persons in the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: June 6, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304659
Initiative 70
Related to the provision 400 new, year-round shelter beds to homeless of the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: June 6, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner
Clerk File Number: 304660
Initiative 71
Concerns funding and providing shelter beds and services for homeless persons. The measure would require the City to fund and provide at least 400 additional "year-round" shelter beds and additional support services. City funding for such support services would have to increase at least 20% over existing levels. The City would have to fund additional beds and services without interfering with existing or planned expenditures for health, human-service and housing programs; and pursue "creative options" for low-cost shelter, including "faith-based shelter and self-management strategies."
Date Filed: June 6, 2001
Disposition: Certified insufficient signatures. Court declared sufficient signatures. City Council Resolution 30418 states intent to provide funding and not send Initiative to the ballot unless funding is not provided for 2002.
Clerk File Number: 304661
Initiative 72
Related to the provision of at least 400 new, year-round shelter beds, with a 20% increase of additional City funding of support services for the homeless of the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: June 6, 2001
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner.
Clerk File Number: 304662
Initiative 73
Measure would require the Seattle Police and City Attorney to make cases involving possession of 40 grams or less of marijuana their lowest law enforcement priority, would remove from the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court marijuana possession misdemeanors under RCW 69.50.401(e), and would require the Police and City Attorney to presume the 60-day marijuana supply provided by the federal government to participants in the Investigational New Drug program is a 60-day medical marijuana supply under RCW 69.51A.
Date Filed:
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 304759
Initiative 74
Concerns the enforcement and prosecution of certain marijuana offenses. "The measure would require the Seattle Police and City Attorney to make cases involving marijuana offenses, where the marijuana was intended for adult personal use, the City's lowest law-enforcement priority. The measure would not bar police officers from exercising their discretion to enforce the state Uniform controlled substances Act where violations occurred in plain view. In addition, the City Council President would be required to appoint a nine-member panel to assess and report on the measure's effects.
Date Filed: March 5, 2002
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner.
Clerk File Number: 304992
Initiative 75
Concerns the enforcement and prosecution of certain marijuana offenses. The measure would require the Seattle Police and City Attorney to make cases involving marijuana offenses, where the marijuana was intended for adult personal use, the City's lowest law enforcement priority. In addition, the City Council President would be required to appoint an 11-member panel to assess the measures effects and submit a comprehensive written report to the City Council. The Seattle Police and City Attorney would be required to report marijuana arrest and prosecution to the panel semi-annually.
Date Filed: March 11, 2002
Disposition: Passed by voters at Sept. 16, 2003, primary election, 71911 - 52538
Clerk File Number: 305005
Initiative 76
Concerns supporting early learning and care through an espresso tax. This measure would help ensure that Seattle's children have access to high quality and affordable early learning and care by expanding pre-kindergarten programs, providing child care subsidies for low and moderate income families, and creating incentives for early learning and care providers to obtain additional education and making early childhood education their career. This would be funded with a new 10 cent tax on espresso beverages prepared and sold within the City. A citizens committee would provide oversight.
Date Filed: May 31, 2002
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner.
Clerk File Number: 305139
Initiative 77
Concerns funding childcare and early learning through an espresso beverage tax. The measure would fund qualifying pre-kindergarten programs, grants to qualifying families, and education-based compensation increases for childcare and early learning providers by imposing on businesses that prepare and sell espresso beverages in Seattle a tax in the amount of 10¢ on each such sale. The measure establishes an oversight committee and requires that tax revenues not replace existing funding for these services and that the City continue to fund these services at 2002 levels, adjusted for inflation.
Date Filed: June 10, 2002
Disposition: City Council went on record as opposing the Initiative by a vote of 0-8 on Sept. 23, 2002. Defeated by voters at September 16, 2003 election, 39,127-86,380.
Clerk File Number: 305171
Initiative 78
Concerns protection and restoration of urban creeks.
Date Filed: June 13, 2002
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner.
Clerk File Number: 305178
Initiative 79
Concerns protection and restoration of urban creeks.
Date Filed: July 5, 2002
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner.
Clerk File Number: 305275
Initiative 80
Concerns restoring Seattle's creeks through permitting conditions, mandates, and other measures. This measure would require developers of "major creekside development" to daylight waterways, remove fish barriers, and take other restoration measures. It provides exemptions and incentives. Development is prohibited over creeks, creek "buffers," and "historic corridors" if piped creeks cannot be restored at their location. The measure changes the vesting rule and is retroactive in some circumstances. City mandates include: adopting a plan; maintaining current restoration efforts; and restoring creeks and funding creek restoration on public and private properties.
Date Filed: July 11, 2002
Disposition: Ruled outside the scope of the initiative process.
Clerk File Number: 305276
Initiative 81
Concerns City payments to small-scale producers of solar or wind electricity. This measure would pay up to $1.50 per kilowatt hour to Seattle City Light residential customers who invest in and operate small-scale solar or wind generating systems that supply electricity to City Light's distribution system. Money would come from a 1% rate increase for all City Light residential customers except low-income households. Eligible generators would receive yearly payments in proportion to the amount of electricity they supplied to the system. This measure would expire in 2014.
Date Filed: March 19, 2003
Disposition: Insufficient number of signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 305930
Initiative 82
Concerns the use of City rights-of-way for new monorail transit facilities prohibiting Monorail facilities on public property.
Date Filed: May 3, 2004
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner. Resubmitted as Initiative 83.
Clerk File Number: 306621
Initiative 83
Concerns prohibiting use of City rights-of-way for any new monorail lines. If enacted, the measure would prevent construction of any new monorail lines, such as the green Line, by prohibiting the City from allowing any new monorail lines to cross or otherwise use City streets or sidewalks. Under this measure, any authorization for use of City rights-of way for new monorail lines would be revoked.
Date Filed: May 6, 2004
Disposition: Defeated by voters at Nov. 2, 2004, general election, 107,349 - 186,927
Clerk File Number: 306624
Initiative 84
Concerns prohibiting public rights-of-way for a SR99/Alaskan Way Tunnel.
Date Filed: December 6, 2004
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner.
Clerk File Number: 307020
Initiative 85
Concerns prohibiting use of City property for an Alaskan Way tunnel. If enacted, this measure would prohibit the City from allowing City rights-of-way or City-owned property to be used for construction of a tunnel that would replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct, or any facilities related to a tunnel that would replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Any authorization or support for use of City rights-of-way or City-owned property for such a tunnel or its related facilities would be revoked, and any ordinances that conflicted with the measure would be repealed.
Date Filed: December 10, 2004
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 307033
Initiative 86
Concerns military recruitment: discouraging recruiting and encouraging educational alternatives to enlistment. This measure would require the City to: (1) discourage use of public facilities for military recruiting; (2) determine whether the City currently supports any such uses; (3) determine whether such recruiting can legally be curtailed; and (4) research alternatives to the military for Seattle youth to obtain educational funding including, but not limited to, the possibility of two years free, public education after high school. A committee would research and report on options for achieving these goals.
Date Filed: March 9, 2006
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 307923
Initiative 87
Concerns providing City money for specified Seattle School District educational programs. If enacted, this measure would require the City to provide funding to the Seattle School District from 2008 through 2013 at least equal to the amount of additional regular property taxes authorized by Seattle voters for educational purposes. The money could be spent only for specific educational purposes, including reducing class sizes, restoring arts-related programs, providing all-day kindergarten, and reducing disparity in achievement. This measure would take effect only if voters separately approve increasing regular property taxes for educational purposes.
Date Filed: April 11, 2006
Disposition: Ruled invalid by King County Superior Court August 30, 2006.
Clerk File Number: 307973
Initiative 88
Concerns tax levies to fund the Seattle School District's educational programs. If enacted, this measure would allow increased property taxes to be collected in 2008 through 2013 to provide funding for educational programs of the Seattle School District. It would lift the RCW 84.55 limit on regular property taxes so that the total regular tax limit for collection in 2008 would be $3.27/$1,000 assessed value. Each year from 2009 through 2013, the additional regular property taxes that could be collected would increase at the same rate as the consumer price index.
Date Filed: April 11, 2006
Disposition: Defeated by voters at September 19, 2006, primary election, 52217 - 65070
Clerk File Number: 307964
Initiative 89
Concerns preserving Garfield High School's Quincy Jones Auditorium. If enacted, the initiative would declare the City's belief that the auditorium should not be torn down, and that its stage and general layout should be preserved. The initiative also would direct the City Council to send a letter communicating this belief to the Seattle School District superintendent and school board; asking that the school district not proceed with plans to demolish the auditorium; and offering City assistance toward this goal, including any City resources the City Council deemed appropriate."
Date Filed: April 13, 2006
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 307988
Initiative 90
Prohibits the City of Seattle from providing below market value leases to professional sports organizations.
Date Filed: May 17, 2006
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner. Re-filed as Initiative 91.
Clerk File Number: 308051
Initiative 91
Concerns property, goods, and services Seattle provides to for-profit professional sports. If enacted the measure would require that for-profit professional sports organizations pay the City at least "fair value" for goods, services, real property, or facilities the City provides or leases to them, either directly or through another public entity or a non-profit organization. The measure defines "fair value," based in part on the rate of return for 30-year U.S. Treasury Bonds. Any Seattle resident would have standing to file a lawsuit challenging City acts that allegedly violated the measure.
Date Filed: May 19, 2006
Disposition: City Council rejected 0-9. Passed by voters at November 7, 2006 general election, 152755 - 53445.
Clerk File Number: 308056
Initiative 92
Concerns publicly-funded home-care and related services for the elderly and disabled. If enacted the measure would require the City to contract for such services only with home-care agencies that have provided licensed home-care services in Washington for at least three years; and have not committed fraud or had instances of neglect, abuse or exploitation leading to client deaths anywhere in the U.S. in the last three years. The City would have to audit existing contracts and terminate those with non-complying agencies. Any Seattle resident could sue to enforce this measure.
Date Filed: May 26, 2006
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 308099
Initiative 93
Concerns restrictions on leasing public property to for-profit professional sports teams. The measure states that it would prohibit the City of Seattle from taking any action to allow a for-profit professional sports organization to vacate City facilities prior to the end of any existing or future lease. The measure also states that any lease by the City to any for-profit professional sports organization must have a set term and contain a provision allowing the City to compel compliance. Any Seattle resident could sue the City to enforce the measure.
Date Filed: July 26, 2007
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner. City Council adopted similar legislation, Ordinance 122492, September 10, 2007.
Clerk File Number: 308864
Initiative 94
Concerns fees on new development to fund parks and open space. If enacted, the measure would impose fees of $0.24 to $2.72 per square foot on most new development within Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods, Northgate, and the University District. The fees would be spent with other public money to buy or improve parks and open space in those areas. The City Council also could impose fees on new development in other areas. The Council could change the amount of the fees. The measure would also create an oversight committee.
Date Filed: August 2, 2007
Disposition: Withdrawn by petitioner.
Clerk File Number: 308882
Initiative 95
Relating to the Iraq War, declaring it in violation of international law.
Date Filed: November 14, 2007
Disposition: Rejected by City Clerk as to form. Resubmitted as Initiative 96.
Clerk File Number: 309000
Initiative 96
Condemning the war in Iraq.
Date Filed: December 6, 2007.
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 309055
Initiative 97
Concerns prohibiting City employee retirement fund investments in certain corporations. If enacted, Measure 97 restricts how the City of Seattle invests retirement funds. It prohibits investment in corporations that profit directly from the U.S. presence in Iraq. It also prohibits investment in corporations that do business in or with certain Israeli settlements or in disputed territories. The City must also withdraw retirement funds invested with the Israeli government if Israel attacks Iran without U.N. authorization. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Date Filed: March 25, 2008
Disposition: Declared invalid by Superior Court, September 10, 2008
Clerk File Number: 309273
Initiative 98
Relates to spitting in public.
Date Filed: May 27, 2008
Disposition: Rejected by City Clerk as to form, July 9, 2008
Clerk File Number: 309479
Initiative 99
Concerns preventing any tunnel replacement for the Alaskan Way Viaduct. If enacted, the measure would prohibit the construction, operation or use of any City rights-of-way or City-owned property for a tunnel to replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct, or for any facility related to that tunnel. It would also revoke any authorization or support for using City rights-of-way or City-owned property for the tunnel, or for any related tunnel facilities that would replace the Viaduct or connect to the ends of the Viaduct. The measure also would repeal any conflicting ordinances.
Date Filed: January 13, 2009
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 309694
Initiative 100
Concerns requiring studies and a public vote before building a jail. If enacted, the measure would require the City to publicly: negotiate with King County to explore alternatives to building a city jail, including extending the current City-County jail contract; analyze ways to decrease incarceration rates while increasing public safety; analyze whether investments in social services will lower crime and arrest rates; and develop a strategy to address racial disparity in arrest and incarceration rates. The measure would also require a public vote to decide whether to build a city jail.
Date Filed: January 22, 2009
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 309742
2011-2014 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 101
Concerns prohibiting the construction, operation, or use of City of Seattle right-of-way(s) or City-owned property for the construction and/or operation of a tunnel replacing that portion of SR 99 commonly known as the Alaskan Way Viaduct.
Date Filed: July 29, 2010
Disposition: Ruled invalid by King County Superior Court on July 19, 2011.
Clerk File Number: 310969
Initiative 102
Concerns establishing protections for Seattle tax payers from cost overruns on all state transportation projects within Seattle, to establish policies to provide cost transparency and accountability, and to prohibit city officials from entering into interlocal agreements that do not meet the standards established through said protections.
Date Filed: December 20, 2010
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 311195
Initiative 103
Concerns concerns local rights and restrictions on corporations to achieve those rights. If enacted, the measure would create a local bill of rights relating to corporate influence on elections and the legislative process, water resources sufficient for orcas and salmon, and zoning changes subject to neighborhood approval, among other issues. The measure would prohibit corporations from making political contributions or lobbying, prohibit former elected officials from working for certain corporations, and specify that corporations are not persons for purposes of constitutional rights. Any resident may sue to enforce these rights.
Date Filed: February 24, 2012
Disposition: Insufficient signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 312158
Initiative 104
Concerns concerns the establishment of a minimum wage requirement for Seattle employers. This measure would require chain-restaurant, chain-retail, hospitality, sports-entertainment, and transportation employers, along with the City, to pay a minimum hourly wage of $15 to most employees, and $11.25 or more to trainees. Other businesses would pay $1.18 above the State's minimum hourly wage. These rates would increase annually based on the consumer price index. The measure reduces City business tax rates, and increases the threshold amount that businesses must earn to be taxed, from $100,000 to $250,000.
Date Filed: December 11, 2013
Disposition: Withdrawn by the proponent on March 25, 2014.
Clerk File Number: 313406
Initiative 105
Concerns public support and regulation of early learning and child care. If enacted, the measure would establish a $15 minimum wage for childcare workers, partially subsidized by the City through 2018 for providers with under 100 employees; seek to reduce childcare costs to 10% or less of family income; prohibit violent felons from providing professional childcare; require enhanced training and certification through a training institute; create a workforce board and establish a fund to help providers meet standards; and hire an organization to facilitate communication between the City and childcare workers.
Date Filed: March 11, 2014
Disposition: Proponent proceeded with Initiative 107.
Clerk File Number: 313659
Initiative 106
Concerns public support and regulation of early learning and childcare (version 2).
Date Filed: March 11, 2014
Disposition: Proponent proceeded with Initiative 107.
Clerk File Number: 313660
Initiative 107
Concerns public support and regulation of early learning and childcare (version 3).
Date Filed: March 11, 2014
Disposition: Placed on November 4, 2014 ballot with City Council preferred alternative (Ord 124509). Rejected in favor of Council alternative, 61,336 - 136,594.
Clerk File Number: 313661
Initiative 108
Concerns public support and regulation of early learning and childcare (version 4).
Date Filed: March 11, 2014
Disposition: Proponent proceeded with Initiative 107.
Clerk File Number: 313662
Initiative 109
Concerns public support and regulation of early learning and childcare (version 5).
Date Filed: March 11, 2014
Disposition: Proponent proceeded with Initiative 107.
Clerk File Number: 313663
Initiative 110
Concerns public support and regulation of early learning and childcare version 6).
Date Filed: March 11, 2014
Disposition: Proponent proceeded with Initiative 107.
Clerk File Number: 313664
Initiative 111
Concerns transportation network service providers.
Date Filed: March 21, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313675
Initiative 112
Concerns reduction in business and occupation taxes in the City of Seattle.
Date Filed: March 21, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313676
Initiative 113
Concerns increasing the minimum wage within the City of Seattle and related worker protections.
Date Filed: April 14, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313737
Initiative 114
Concerns increasing the minimum wage within the City of Seattle and related worker protections.
Date Filed: April 14, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313738
Initiative 115
Concerns increasing the minimum wage within the City of Seattle and related worker protections.
Date Filed: April 23, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313764
Initiative 116
Concerns increasing the minimum wage within the City of Seattle and related worker protections.
Date Filed: April 23, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313765
Initiative 117
Concerns proposing a property tax levy lid lift to support transit in Seattle .
Date Filed: April 25, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313770
Initiative 118
Concerns proposing a property tax levy lid lift to support transit in Seattle.
Date Filed: April 25, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 313771
Initiative 119
Concerns transportation network companies, drivers and services.
Date Filed: May 16, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed (Ord 124441 repealed by Ord 124524).
Clerk File Number: 313804
Initiative 120
Concerns regulating transportation network companies.
Date Filed: May 22, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed (Ord 124441 repealed by Ord 124524).
Clerk File Number: 313817
Initiative 121
Concerns regulating transportation network companies.
Date Filed: May 22, 2014
Disposition: No signatures filed (Ord 124441 repealed by Ord 124524).
Clerk File Number: 313818
2015-2019 Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 122
Concerns reducing the influence of money, ensuring accountability, and preventing corruption in City of Seattle government.
Date Filed: April 3, 2015
Disposition: Placed on November 3, 2015 ballot; passed by voters 115,994 - 67,714.
Clerk File Number: 319323
Initiative 123
Concerns establishing a downtown waterfront public development authority.
Date Filed: April 28, 2015
Disposition: Placed on August 2, 2016 ballot; rejected by voters 30,879 - 149,409.
Clerk File Number: 319350
Initiative 124
Concerns health and safety standards for hotel employees.
Date Filed: April 5, 2016
Disposition: Placed on November 8, 2016 ballot; passed by voters 275,999 - 84,380.
Clerk File Number: 319639
Initiative 125
Concerns the City of Seattle's Labor Standards Laws.
Date Filed: April 19, 2016
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 319670
Initiative 126
Concerns housing and services to reduce homelessness.
Date Filed: March 8, 2017
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 320158
Initiative 127
Concerns the establishment of rules for transparency in rental pricing.
Date Filed: March 9, 2017
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 320165
Initiative 128
Concerns the repeal of Ordinance 125324 relating to the Sweetened Beverage Tax.
Date Filed: November 20, 2018
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 321062
Initiative 129
Concerns the use of small gas engines.
Date Filed: September 4, 2019
Disposition: Rejected as out of compliance (not filed by a registered voter of the City of Seattle).
Clerk File Number: 321411
2020-Present Ballot Initiatives
Initiative 130
Concerns tax on corporate payroll for affordable green housing.
Date Filed: March 19, 2020
Disposition: Replaced by Initiative Measure No. 131.
Clerk File Number: 321653
Initiative 131
Concerns a business tax to fund affordable green housing programs
Date Filed: April 6, 2020
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 321662
Initiative 132
Concerns a Permanent Housing Solution
Date Filed: December 2, 2020
Disposition: No signatures filed.
Clerk File Number: 321829
Initiative 133
Concerns approval voting for Mayor, City Attorney, and City Councilmember primary elections
Date Filed: January 24, 2022
Disposition: Replaced by Initiative Measure No. 134.
Clerk File Number: 322195
Initiative 134
Concerns approval voting for Mayor, City Attorney, and City Councilmember primary elections
Date Filed: January 27, 2022
Disposition: Placed on November 8, 2022 ballot; passed by voters 160,141 - 154,169.
Clerk File Number: 322196
Initiative 135
Concerns establishment of the Seattle Social Housing Public Development Authority (PDA)
Date Filed: March 28, 2022
Disposition: Placed on February 14, 2023 ballot; passed by voters 90,901 - 68,336.
Clerk File Number: 322249
Initiative 136
Concerns funding for the Seattle Social Housing Public Development Authority (PDA)
Date Filed: February 6, 2024
Disposition: Replaced by Initiative Measure No. 137.
Clerk File Number: 322944
Initiative 137
Concerns funding for the Seattle Social Housing Public Development Authority (PDA)
Date Filed: February 13, 2024
Clerk File Number: 322950