Probation Data Reports
Seattle Municipal Court is committed to improving Probation and furthering our court-wide commitment to lessen barriers and increase equity in the criminal legal system. We began our Probation evolution in June 2020 and restructuring through June 20213. The below data reports are published as part of our commitment to transparency in our reform effort. These reports are updated quarterly.
Probation Caseload
This report displays the number of active probation clients, probation status, demographics, and length of time on probation. The report also provides data related to clients assigned probation who are currently in warrant status.
Probation Reporting Level
This report displays the number of clients by reporting level under SMC's classification guidelines, demographics, and reporting level changes.
Probation Activity and Compliance
This report displays the number of probation activities by client, demographics, and compliance status.
Probation Outcomes: Revocation and Hearings
This report displays the average number of held hearings per client, number of clients with revoked probation requirements and demographics. This report is updated quarterly.