Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses
The City actively supports utilization of WMBE (women- and minority-owned businesses) on City contracts as both primes and subcontractors, and each City department establishes plans and annual voluntary goals for WMBE inclusion in consulting and purchasing contracts.
The City of Seattle defines WMBE firms as state-certified or self-identified firms at least 51% owned by women and/or minorities.
See below for a list of resources as well as find a link to surveys to share input on how the City can better serve WMBEs.
Surveys and Fact Sheets
- Doing Business with the City of Seattle Survey and Fact Sheet
- Share feedback on the City's Reverse Vendor Trade Show
- Doing Business with the City flyer
COVID-19 business resources
Many businesses are experiencing short and long-term impacts from COVID-19. Visit the Office of Economic Development resources page to find a list of initiatives supporting businesses impacted by COVID-19.
King County's Office of Equity and Social Justice has also developed a COVID-19 Resource Guide that includes information for small businesses.
Check out www.SafeStartKingCounty.com to receive a Safe Start Kit of masks and hand sanitizer for your small business.
Disparity study
The City of Seattle is conducting a disparity study on the availability and utilization of WMBEs. The City held a competitive procurement and selected Colette Holt & Associates to perform the study. The scope of the study will includes an evaluation of the City's current procurement policies, procedures, spend analysis, and engagement with the contractors, vendors, and consultants. The City also added a scope element to address the impacts of COVID-19 and other market disequilibria.
For more information, visit the City of Seattle Disparity Study Website at: http://seattle.disparity-study.com/
If you have any questions, please contact Miguel Beltran at miguel.beltran@seattle.gov.
2022 Annual WMBE Report
The 2022 Annual WMBE Report details the work the City performs to ensure WMBEs have equitable opportunities to pursue City contracts.
Doing business with the City
Does your firm want to do business with the City, but you aren't sure where to start? You can contact Miguel Beltran at miguel.beltran@seattle.gov with questions.
The City of Seattle has contracted with Tabor 100 and Business Impact Northwest (BINW) to provide Technical Assistance services to companies interested in doing business with the City. The following diagram shows the different services that Tabor 100 and IBNW provide. You are welcome to contact one or both consultants to explore more about the services they provide. Their contact information is also listed below. And if you have any questions, please contact Miguel Beltran at Miguel.beltran@seattle.gov or (206) 684-5452.
Tabor 100 - Don Robinson, don.robinson@tabor100.org, (425) 528-0117
BINW - Monique - Domonique Juleon, domoniquej@businessimpactnw.org, (206) 324-4330 x147
Visit the Tabor 100 website to learn more about the Liberty Project.
Get recognized as a WMBE
There are two ways to be recognized as a WMBE by the City.
- You may self-identify as a WMBE by registering through the City's Online Business Directory.
- You may pursue state certification through the Washington State Office of Minority and Women Business Enterprises (OMWBE).
OMWBE certifies small businesses owned and controlled by a minority, woman or a socially and economically disadvantaged (DBE) person for the state and federal level. Most City projects with federal funds require a DBE or state WMBE certification to count toward the corresponding DBE or WMBE requirements. If you are a business owner who fits these criteria, we encourage you to visit OMWBE's site to learn about certification and its benefits.
Learn more
- 2023 WMBE Goals
- 2022 Goals and Outreach Plans
- City department WMBE advisors
- Executive Order 2010-05: For Outreach to Women and Minority Businesses
- Executive Order 2014-03: Equity in City Contracting
- Executive Order 2019-06: Economic Inclusion and Contracting Equity
- Executive Order 2023-07: Equity and Opportunity in City Contracting
- Acceptable Work Site poster
WMBE Annual Report
Quarterly comprehensive WMBE utilization
Technical Assistance reports and surveys
- NWMMSDC 2019-2020 report
- NWMMSDC 2019-2020 report (Word version)
- NWMMSDC Q1 2021 report
- NWMMSDC Q2 2021 report
- Technical Assistance summer 2021 survey results
WMBE surveys
I need a subcontract team. How can I connect with WMBE firms?
When seeking subcontract teams including women or minority-owned firms, search the City's Online Business Directory.
Search the Office of Minority Women Business Enterprises Directory, the online list of certified W/M/DBE firms, or call OMWBE at (866) 208-1064.
I self-identified as a WMBE in the City's Online Business Directory. What's next?
Vendors for goods and services: Contact City Purchasing to learn of blanket contracts, bidding opportunities and networking events with City departments.
Consultants: Apply for the City Consultant Roster. The City uses this roster to select firms for many projects under $373,000. This roster has a small business criteria for certain categories of work.
Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises firm: Apply for federal DBE certification. The City uses this certification list for federally funded projects.
For information about City opportunities contact:
- Miguel Beltran, Purchasing and Contracting, (206) 684-4525
- Christina Guros, Seattle Department of Transportation
Other information:
The City requires WMBE inclusion plans for most projects. The following forms must be completed by the prime bidder as a condition of responsiveness: