Beacon Ave S & 15th Ave S Safety Project
Updated: August 30, 2024
What's Happening Now?
Construction of the Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S Safety Project began construction on July 22! Crews will work in segments along the project area through spring 2025. Continue visiting our project website or subscribe to our email list for bi-weekly updates on construction activities.
Over the next few weeks, you’ll see the following construction activities near the north end of the project area:
Golf Dr S and S Charles St
- Crews will pour concrete for sidewalk and curb ramps at the northeast corner of the intersection
15th Ave S and S Judkins St
- Crews will continue removing roadway pavement and sidewalk to install drainage improvements on the west side of 15th Ave S
15th Ave S and S Massachusetts St
- Crews will continue underground electrical work and pour roadway pavement and concrete for sidewalks and curb ramps on the west side of 15th Ave S
15th Ave S and S State St
- Crews will remove roadway pavement and sidewalk and install drainage improvements on the west and east sides of the road
Traffic Control
- 15th Ave S will be reduced to one lane 24/7 during this work. Drivers and cyclists will use 14th Ave S between 15th Ave S and S College St as a detour.
- Pedestrian detours will direct people walking to cross to the opposite side of 15th Ave S while crews work on the east or west side of the road.
- A uniformed police officer will direct northbound and southbound travelers through intersections during work requiring lane blockages or signal modifications
Tree Removal Update
We may need to remove more trees than the three we initially identified during design phase. As we began sidewalk repair work on the project corridor, we're finding that more trees have root systems that are too shallow and overgrown under the sidewalk. We have exhausted all design options to build ADA-compliant sidewalks and will need to remove additional trees - these trees have been posted. We are trying our best to retain as many trees as possible. We will continue to inspect tree roots as we move southward with our sidewalk repair work and will share additional information about tree removals as they become available.
Construction Progress
Crews installing storm drain improvements on 15th Ave S near S Atlantic St
Crews installing new ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of 15th Ave S & S Massachusetts St
Business owners and managers
Please fill out this construction survey so we can keep you informed and minimize impacts to your business during construction. You may also request a paper copy by leaving us a voicemail at (206) 900-8728 or emailing us at
The survey is available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Somali, and Tigrinya.
Thank you to all the business owners and managers who have already filled out our survey online or in-person during our door-to-door outreach in late June and early July!
What to expect during construction
Typical work hours are Monday – Friday, from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. During this time you can expect:
- Temporary traffic revisions to accommodate construction vehicles
- Temporary parking restrictions near work zones
- Noisy construction activities, such as backup alarms for safety, heavy vehicle use, and the use of power tools.
Changes coming soon to Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S include:
- Repaired sections of sidewalk near every intersection along the entire route
- New APS pedestrian push buttons at every crossing at S Hanford St and Beacon Ave S and at the south and west crossings of 15th Ave S and S College St
- 62 new or rebuilt curb ramps. When this project is complete, people who use wheels will be able to safely travel from Dr. Jose Rizal Bridge to S Spokane St.
- Concrete-protected bike lanes on both sides of 15th Ave S
- Post-protected bike lanes on both sides of Beacon Ave S
- New bike signals at the intersections of S Charles St & Golf Dr S, 15th Ave S & S College St, and 15th Ave S & Beacon Ave S
- New bus stop islands on both sides of Beacon Ave S at S Hanford St and outside of Beacon Hill Station
Call our project hotline at (206) 900-8728 or email us at
For translation services, please call (206) 900-8728 and leave a message clearly stating the language you prefer.
Final Design
These safety improvements represent important and effective near-term upgrades in the public right-of-way, helping to advance our Vision Zero safety goals for all travelers in Seattle. When this project is complete, it will be safer and easier to walk, bike, and roll to the many businesses, community destinations, and transit stations in the growing North Beacon Hill neighborhood.
Changes coming soon to Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S include:
- Repaired sections of sidewalk near every intersection along the entire route
- New APS pedestrian push buttons at every crossing at S Hanford St and Beacon Ave S and at the south and west crossings of 15th Ave S and S College St
- 42 new curb ramps. When this project is complete, people who use wheels will be able to safely travel from Dr. Jose Rizal Bridge to S Spokane St.
- Concrete-protected bike lanes on both sides of 15th Ave S
- Post-protected bike lanes on both sides of Beacon Ave S
- New bike signals at the intersections of S Charles St & Golf Dr S, 15th Ave S & S College St, and 15th Ave S & Beacon Ave S
- New bus stop islands on both sides of Beacon Ave S at S Hanford St and outside of Beacon Hill Station
2023 Near-Term Safety Enhancements
Community-requested safety enhancements arrived in Beacon Hill summer 2023. Rather than waiting until the project broke ground in 2024, we installed the following treatments to calm driver speeds and make it easier to walk and roll right now! Treatments include:
- Speed cushions on 15th and 14th Ave S
- A rapid-flashing beacon at the 14th Ave S/15th Ave S/Golf Dr S intersection
- Paint-and-post curb bulbs to make crossing the street easier
- Pavement repairs
- Signs and paint where parking already isn’t allowed near intersections to make it easier for travelers to see oncoming traffic
We held community site walks and listening tours to see the project area first-hand and understand the safety priorities of people living, working, and visiting the neighborhood. Along with providing a safe place for people to bike, people want traffic to slow down near their homes and businesses. And folks have said they want busier streets to be more people-oriented and easier to cross.
Map of safety enhancements in the project area. Graphic SDOT
Community Outreach
We asked people to share their thoughts about safety needs and the bike route, particularly in the project's north segment. We gathered comments through surveys, events, meetings and listening tours, conversations, and correspondence. We received over a thousand comments from a diverse group of people living, working, and traveling in Beacon Hill. We are excited to share what we heard and are thankful for the engagement.
You can check out our early design outreach summary (2-page overview with full survey results) for a recap of our engagement activities from the past few months. It includes what we learned about your design preferences, priorities for potential improvements, and more.
You can also read on for some key themes of feedback, below:
- Protected bike lane location:
- About half of people (47%) prefer a protected bike lane on each side of 15th Ave S
- Bikes moving in the same direction as vehicles feels safer and more logical to many people. It’s a more intuitive design for people walking, biking, and driving.
- Nearly a quarter of people (22%) prefer a two-way protected bike lane only along the east side of 15th Ave S
- About half of people (47%) prefer a protected bike lane on each side of 15th Ave S
- How people travel: Folks shared they would prefer to bike (80%), walk (76%), or take public transit (68%) to get around north Beacon Hill.
- Currently, most people get around the neighborhood by either walking (71%) or driving (71%).
- Safety concerns: Unsafe driving is a big safety concern for people who weighed in. Specific concerns include speeding, cut-through traffic, and aggressive driving. People also mentioned drivers failing to yield to people walking and biking.
- Street and sidewalk conditions: Street and sidewalk maintenance was another safety concern we heard. Feedback included dim lighting, missing crosswalks, and longer crossings. Folks also shared about pavement, sidewalks, and drainage being in poor condition.
- Protected bike lane opposition: Some people shared feedback in opposition to installing the protected bike lanes. We heard people say they felt we were proposing the bike lanes for people who don’t live in Beacon Hill.
- Concerns about parking: We also heard that there are not enough people biking to warrant removing parking. There is concern about where residents without off-street parking will park their cars
- Maintaining access: Folks asked us to make sure their homes and businesses remain accessible. They need deliveries to be able to reach them.
Parking Management Plan
The parking management plan was designed to address community feedback on parking loss concerns by reducing parking congestion in some of the most constrained areas. From January to June 2024, we are implementing the parking management plan:
- 2-block RPZ 17 extension on S Judkins St + added eligibility
- Formalizing parking on S Grand St
- Converting the curbside bike lane to a new parking lane on 14th Ave S
- Adding a new parking lane on S College St
In summer 2022, we conducted an independent, third-party parking study for north Beacon Hill. The parking study helps us to better understand parking capacity and parking demands. The planned protected bike lanes on 15th Ave S remove about 100 on-street parking spaces. This includes 50 spaces in an existing Residential Parking Zone (RPZ). There are apartments on 15th Ave S, between Golf Dr S and S Atlantic St that currently have limited on no off-street parking.
We’ve heard concerns about loss of parking for residents who rely on their car to get to work and possible displacement. Challenges along this stretch of the street include limited space to add parking. This is primarily due to the narrow street. There is also an existing ADA-accessible parking space to accommodate and steep side streets.
Using data collected this summer and the concerns described above, we drafted an on-street parking management plan with the residential community. This plan was informed by the needs of the people that live in this area. The community includes Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community members, multi-generational households, and people with limited on-street alternatives.
Project Description
We are building the project in segments, from the Dr. Jose Rizal Bridge to the intersection of Beacon Ave S and 39th Ave S.
- North Segment extends from the Dr. Jose Rizal Bridge to S Spokane St.
- Middle Segment is between S Spokane St to S Myrtle St.
- South Segment completes the route to 39th Ave S.
Project Overview
In 2019, SDOT partnered with the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) to conduct outreach around the City to find out about the community's priorities to having places to bike in their community. This outreach effort provided an avenue to listen to community members, understand how the implementation plan was perceived, and collect ideas on how we could improve the plan. We also learned about how future work can be more responsive to community needs. We heard clearly that it was important to have more routes in Southeast Seattle to connect people to the neighborhood and job centers, specifically on Beacon Hill. The Beacon Hill Bike Route Project was created in response to what we heard. The purpose of this project is to create a safe and comfortable bike route that connects people to businesses and community destinations in Beacon Hill. This bike project continues to build out the bike network connecting to the new bike lanes on S Columbian Way, S Myrtle St, and the Chief Sealth Trail. We're planning a bike route in Beacon Hill as we've identified the area as a high-priority corridor for meeting the following transportation and community needs:
- This project will contribute to the City's Vision Zero goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries.
- Provide a better north/south bike connection in southeast Seattle.
- Improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and connections to transit.
Though there are other existing bike routes nearby, these other routes do not connect to the same vital community destinations.
Project Details
North Segment
The North Segment extends from Dr. Jose Rizal Bridge to S Spokane St and connects the North Beacon Hill neighborhood.
Cross Sections
15th Ave S One-Way Protected Bike Lane
- Parking available on west side of Golf Dr S
- Metro's Routes 36 and 60 shared bus stop relocated from Golf Dr S to 14th Ave S
- Parking available on east side between S College St and S Bayview St
- New bike turn queue box with No Turn On Red on north leg of Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S intersection
Beacon Ave S One-Way Protected Bike Lanes
- Parking and load zones available on both sides of Beacon Ave S
- except between S Lander St and S McClellan St (Beacon Hill Light Rail station and Metro bus stop)
- New curb ramps identified along the corridor
- Bike lane and bus stop options at Beacon Hill Light Rail Station/Metro bus stop for Routes 36, 60, and 107
- Raised bike lane with In-Lane Bus Stop
- Bike lane behind bus stop, in front of existing street trees
- Raised Bike Lane with In-Lane Bus Stop
Community Points of Interest
Middle Segment
The Middle Segment is located along Beacon Ave S from S Spokane St to S Myrtle St. It goes by Jefferson Park and connects along the center median trail through central Beacon Hill.
Community Points of Interest
Typical S Spokane St to S Alaska St
Proposed S Spokane St to S Alaska St
Note: cross sections are not to scale.
South Segment
The South Segment will be between S Myrtle St and S 39th St in South Beacon Hill. This area is much more residential.
Community Points of Interest
Typical S Ferdinand St to S 39th St
Proposed S Ferdinand St to S 39th St
Note: cross sections are not to scale.
Community Engagement
Since the summer of 2020, we have conducted multiple community engagement events with people who live and travel through Beacon Hill. The extensive feedback about route preferences and design features helped to inform the northern route segment. Read our Planning Outreach Summary report to learn more about the process and feedback received for this project.
During the planning, design, and construction phases of our project, we conduct inclusive community engagement and strive to balance varying needs presented by public comments that we receive at each step of our outreach processes. The below table summarizes our upcoming outreach activities.
- Fall/Winter 2022/23: Early Design outreach activities -- gather community feedback for the North Segment early design alternatives and intersection options
- Winter 2021/2022: North Beacon Hill business district - gather feedback about access and parking needs
- Summer 2021: Neighborhood and public meetings - gather community feedback and ideas about about the use of this busy corridor
- November 2020: Online drop-in session - share the Middle and South Segments options, answer questions and gather feedback from the community
- August 2020: Online drop-in session - introduce the project, share the North Segment route options, answer questions and gather feedback from the community
- Ongoing: Business outreach - discuss project impacts, provide project information and updates and gather feedback
- Ongoing: Stakeholder outreach - provide project updates and gather community feedback
- Ongoing: Email updates - project updates
Bike Network Prioritization Process
The Beacon Hill Bike Route project was prioritized based on public feedback and City Council actions over the past several years. In 2019, SDOT and DON held four community meetings across the city to learn about people's priorities for building out the bike network. In that outreach, as well as engagement with the Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board, it was strongly recommended to build a bike connection not only on 12th Ave S between Capitol Hill and Beacon Hill, but within Beacon Hill itself to create a greater connection between southeast Seattle and downtown.
Beacon Hill was specifically recognized during that outreach as a priority of community and transportation safety advocates (see pages 13-14 of the 2019 Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Plan for summaries.) In addition, during the 2019 budget process, the City Council allocated funding to prioritize building a bike connection in southeast Seattle.
Project Schedule
This project is partially funded by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015. Learn more about the Levy to Move Seattle.
To view a PDF of project-related materials, please click on the links provided below.
- General construction notice - English (June 2024)
- Spring pavement repairs construction notice (March 2024)
- 100% design plan set (February 2024)
- Parking changes notification mailer (January 2024)
- 90% design milestone presentation (November 2023)
- 60% design milestone presentation (August 2023)
- Video of recorded 30% design milestone virtual public meeting (May 10, 2023)
- Video of recorded virtual public meeting (March 2, 2023)
- 15th Ave S Parking Study (Summer 2022)
- North Segment: Early Design Outreach Summary Report with Survey Feedback
- North Segment: 10% Design Cross Sections:
- North 1: 10% Design Plan Sets:
- 15th Ave S Route Announcement Presentation
- 15th Ave S Route Announcement Mailer
- 15th Ave S Route Announcement Poster
- 2020-2021 Outreach Summary Report
- Summer 2021 North Beacon Hill Outreach Invite Mailer
- Summer 2021 North Beacon Hill Outreach Poster
- 15th Ave S Neighbors 2021 Site Walk and Focus Group Flyer
- 15th Ave S Neighbors 2021 Outreach Invite Flyer
- November 2020 Outreach Summary
- November 2020 Drop-in Session Q&A
- October 2020 Middle and South Segments Early Planning Drop-in Session Invite Postcard
- August 2020 Outreach Summary
- August 2020 Drop-in Session Q&A
- July 2020 Early Planning Drop-in Session Invite Mailer
- Project Fact Sheet (English)
- Project Fact Sheet (Spanish)
- Project Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
- Project Fact Sheet (Traditional Chinese)
- Project Fact Sheet (Tagalog)
- Project Fact Sheet (Vietnamese)
- Project Map (All Segments)
- North Segment Map
- Middle Segment Map
- South Segment Map