Pinehurst Green Grid Project
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) completed construction of the Pinehurst Green Grid in the fall of 2006. This needed improvement to the City's infrastructure provides enhanced drainage in the neighborhood and improves the quality of runoff to Thornton Creek.
Features and Benefits
The goals of the Pinehurst Green Grid Project are to eliminate spot flooding, improve the drainage conveyance service, manage stormwater runoff volume, and improve the Pinehurst neighborhood with landscaping and new street paving. The project incorporates new sidewalks, roadways, and landscaping with native and non-native plants to enhance the pedestrian experience in the neighborhood while benefiting wildlife habitat in the Creek.
The project covers 12 city blocks from NE 117th St. to NE 113th St., 16th Ave. NE to 23rd Ave NE, and NE 113th St. at the intersection of 25th Ave. NE. View vicinity map (pdf).
Construction Schedule
Preliminary Engineering: May 2003 to May of 2004
Design: May 2004 to July 2005
Construction (including landscaping): July 2005 to April 2007.
The bioretention cells in the project are maintained by SPU Operations and Maintenance to ensure stormwater functionality at a service level B. Residents are welcome to provide additional maintenance to improve curb aesthetics.
Project Resources
- Construction Plans (pdf)
- Technical Specifications (pdf)
- Project Development (pdf)
- Inspection Checklist (pdf)
- Pinehurst Vegetation study (pdf)