North Transfer Station Odor Evaluation Project Open House
SPU invites our North Transfer Station neighbors to attend an open house to share what we’ve learned and our plan to minimize odors originating at the transfer station.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Join in-person: North Transfer Station Conference Room, 1350 N 34th St. Space is limited: RSVP required.
Join virtually: via Webex.
More info: Event flyer.
Transfer Station Rates
Rates for clean yard waste and clean wood waste are lower than rates for garbage. In order to pay lower rates, separate materials before arriving at the station. When you arrive at the station, tell the scale attendant what you are dumping and be prepared to have your load inspected.
How to pay
Fees can be paid using cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard. Make checks payable to "City of Seattle, Dept. of Finance" and have valid ID.
Current Rates
Below are rates as of April 1, 2023. The per ton rate, subject to the minimum charge, will apply to all vehicles.
Material(s) in Load | Minimum Charge | Per Ton Rate |
Recyclables Only | no charge | no charge |
Garbage | $35 per trip | $165 per ton ($35 minimum charge covers up to 420 lbs.) |
Clean Yard Waste | $24 per trip | $125 per ton ($24 minimum charge covers up to 380 lbs.) |
Clean Wood Waste | $24 per trip | $125 per ton ($24 minimum charge) |
Vehicle Tires Only | $15 per load (limit 4 per load) | $15 per load (limit 4 per load) |
Appliances |
$32 per appliance (limit 2 per load) | $9 per appliance + tonnage rate for other materials |
Unsecured Loads | $3 | $5 if <= 1 ton $10 if > 1 ton |
Sharps | no charge (limit one gallon per trip) | not accepted; household sharps only |