Utility Discount Program

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The Utility Discount Program (UDP) provides bill assistance for income-eligible customers. If your household income is at or below 70% of the state median income, the program helps you get current and stay current on utility payments by offering a discount of about 60% on your Seattle City Light bill and a 50% discount on your Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) bill. This discount is only available for residential City Light and SPU customers.

If you need immediate help with a past due balance, you may be able to receive emergency assistance.


To be eligible for the Utility Discount Program, you must meet the following:

  • You are the homeowner or renter; if a landlord pays all utilities, qualifying low-income tenants may still be eligible for utility financial help.
  • You have a Seattle City Light and/or Seattle Public Utilities bill in your name.
  • Effective January 1, 2024, your total household income in the one-month period prior to applying must be at or below:
Household Size Gross Monthly Income Gross Yearly Income
1 $3,689 $44,268
2 $4,825 $57,900
3 $5,960 $71,520
4 $7,095 $85,140
5 $8,230 $98,760
6 $9,366 $112,392
Each additional $213 $2,556

Note: Gross Income is based on 70% of the state's median income. Gross household income is updated annually by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.

Not directly billed for your SPU utilities?

Utility Discount Program customers whose SPU services are paid by a property owner or Condo Homeowners Association (HOA) but still receive a Seattle City Light bill qualify for the following monthly credits toward their electric bill:

Household Category  Water Sewer Drainage Garbage Yard Waste
Single-family $24.33 $36.57 $27.83 $21.10 $6.80
Duplex $24.33 $36.57 $13.92 $21.10 $6.80
Multi-family $13.25 $25.52 $2.98 $17.20 $6.80

All credits effective January 1, 2024 except for garbage and yard waste, which are effective April 1, 2023.

More about Utility Credits

Some Seattle Public Utilities customers only receive a Seattle City Light bill while paying for water, sewer, and garbage through a rental agreement. If you are a Utility Discount Program customer and you are not responsible for paying your Seattle Public Utilities bill, you are eligible for Utility Credits. These credits are applied to your Seattle City Light account and are listed as "Water Utility Credit," "Sewer Utility Credit," "Dumpster Utility Credit," and/or “Yard Waste Utility Credit” on your Seattle City Light bill.  

Application and Contact

To apply for the Utility Discount Program:

We recommend using the online application. However, you can print the Universal Application (PDF) and submit the completed application along with required information by mail, fax, or email.

For more information, contact the Utility Discount Program at UDP@seattle.gov or (206) 684-0268 (TTY/TDD: (206) 233-2778), Monday to Thursday, 7:30 am to 3 pm.

Additional Benefits

Free Special Item Collection

Utility Discount Program participants that live in a single-family home and receive a Seattle Public Utilities bill in their name can get two free special item pickups per year when calling for collection. When making a special item collection request, customers should let the call center representative know they are a UDP participant to ensure the collection is free of charge.

To learn more about special item collection, call the Contact Center at (206) 684-3000.

Free Transfer Station Passes

Utility Discount Program participants may receive free transfer station passes up to twice each year. To be eligible for this special assistance program, participants must:

  • Be enrolled in the Utility Discount Program.
  • Live at the UDP-enrolled address.
  • Be the primary account holder for Seattle City Light and/or Seattle Public Utilities accounts.

To learn more, please call the Conservation Corps at (206) 684-0190.

Public Utilities

Andrew Lee, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4900, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34018, Seattle, WA, 98124-5177
Phone: (206) 684-3000

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Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is comprised of three major direct-service providing utilities: the Water Utility, the Drainage and Wastewater Utility, and the Solid Waste Utility.